Office of Director, H.P. State Institute of Rural Development invites Expression of interest (EoI) from Training providers affiliated/accredited by any one of the below National/State level organization:
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- Training institutes affiliated by NCVT/DGT
- Affiliated with Construction Skill Development Council (CSDC) of India
- National Skill Development Council (NSDC) approved Training Providers
- Training institutes affiliated to State Skill Development Missions (SSDMs)
- Training Institution affiliated by any State/Central body as per the norms
of NQAF at the minimum of NQAF level accreditation. - State Run Training Institutes affiliated with CSDCI
for conducting onsite training of Rural Mason under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) mode for the construction of houses under Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojna -Gramin.
Agencies/organizations/institutions fulfilling the eligibility criteria can access and download the complete EoI document and submit the EoI in hard copies to this office.

Bid Security (Refundable):
2% of total Bid Amount to be paid online in favour of Director, H.P. State Institute of Rural Development, Fairlawn, Shimla-171012, Himachal Pradesh.
Account details for payment of Bid Security:
Account Name: The Director, CMS, HP Institute of Public Administration, HIPA
Account No.: 55069387025
IFSC: SBIN0050204
Pre Qualification Criteria :
To participate in the selection process, the eligible organization must possess the following specified criteria and to this effect must produce supportive documents/information as part of their pre-qualification proposal.
a. Status: Only single entity legally registered parties affiliated /accredited by any one of the following National/State Level organization:
Training institutes affiliated by NCVT/DGT
Affiliated with Construction Skill Development Council (CSDC) of India
National Skill Development Council (NSDC) approved Training Providers
Training institutes affiliated to State Skill Development Missions (SSDMs)
Training Institution affiliated by any State/Central body as per the norms of NQAF at the minimum of NQAF level accreditation.
State Run Training Institutes affiliated with CSDCI
b. The organisation should be registered under Society registration Act-1860 /Indian Trust Act/Indian Company Act etc. as applicable.
c. The organization should have audited (with Seal) statement of accounts for the last 3 consecutive financial year (2018-19. 2019-20, 2020-21) showing the annual average turnover of Rs. 75 Lakhs or more during the same period.
d. The organisation should have carried out at least one work of similar nature of minimum Rs. 50 Lakhs in single work order.
e. The organization should have an established office (HQ/Branch/Coordination) in the geographical area of Himachal Pradesh, preferably at Shimla.
f. The organization should not be blacklisted or debarred by any Govt. department or similar organizations.
g. The organisation should have a proven track record of at least 1 year of experience in the implementation of On-Site Mason Training or RPL Mode Training.
h. The organisation must have trained and qualified trainers & demonstrator with minimum experience of 3 years in performing similar nature of work. Certificate of ToT is to be provided.
Submission of Proposal :
Bid must be submitted in Cover I to the office of Director, H.P. State Institute of Rural Development, Shimla-171012. The agencies/firms/organizations are expected to send EoI documents and all other requisite forms after self-attestation with seal.
Technical Evaluation:
SL No | Evaluation Indicators/Parameters | Maximum Marks |
1 | Total number of trainees provided mason/assistant mason | 40 |
2 | training. (For each 100 trainees: 1 Mark) % passing of the trainees in the last financial year. For each 5 % = 1.5 mark | 20 |
3 | Approach & Methodology of the Organization in response to ToR: Project Understanding Technical Approach & Methodology Staff Composition Work Plan, Implementation Strategy & Issues and Challenges) | 40 |
The agencies, whose technical proposal secure a score above the minimum qualifying marks of 60 in the technical evaluation stage and scores the highest, will be awarded the contract. The procuring entity can also develop some sub- criteria’s within the indicators given in, wherever required within the above indicator while evaluation stage. The procuring entity may select more than one organization based on scores obtained.
To Download detailed EOI, click the below link: