Gujarat Skill Development Mission (GSDM) is constantly striving to meet the aspirations of youth and address human resource needs by aligning the supply of skilled workers with sectoral requirements of the industry. GSDM with a strong focus on the advancement of skills that are relevant to the emerging economic environment has launched the Mukhyamantri Bhavishyalakshi Kaushalya Vikas Yojana (MBKVY) wherein candidates have been trained in New age industry demand-based short-term courses in the state of Gujarat.
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GSDM aims to invite new partners to enhance the reach of this scheme and to leverage the existing infrastructure of ITIs & Educational Institutions (Government/Private), Skill institutes, and Industry to provide the youth with state-of-the art facilities imparting practical training on latest technology. Under MBKVY training has been imparted in the new age courses from Healthcare, Automotive, Green jobs, IT-ITeS, Capital Goods & Manufacturing, Banking, Finance Service & Insurance (BFSI), Construction, Electronics & Hardware, Logistics, Media & Entertainment, Telecom, Sports & Fitness, Tourism & Hospitality, Agriculture and Life Science as per industry requirement. To meet skilled manpower requirement in various sectors in the state of Gujarat, this EOI is being issued to invite proposals from reputed organizations for empanelment, setting up training facilities and imparting training under MBKVY.
Interested Applicants fulfilling eligibility conditions as mentioned in the EOI can submit their detailed proposal for undertaking Mukhyamantri Bhavishyalakshi Kaushalya Vikas Yojana (MBKVY) in the State to the Mission Director, Gujarat Skill Development Mission (GSDM), Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Block No. 2, Third floor, Gandhinagar 382010. Online applications can be submitted on GSDM portal and the hard copy(print) of the submitted online proposal should reach at aforementioned address within 5 days from the date of online application.
For Tender Preparation support or for any query please call SKILLSPEDIA.IN @ 702-47-48-999
Applicant should mandatorily submit Hard Copy of the Application Form and necessary uploaded documents in a separate envelope labelled as “Cover A: Application for MBKVY 2023-24” Original Demand Draft along with Cover letter in another envelope labelled as “Cover-B: Demand Draft”. The Hardcopy documents must be the same as submitted online.
“Applicants have to pay a non-refundable Proposal Processing Fee of ₹1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) per application. This fee must be paid in the form of a Demand Draft payable to ‘Gujarat Skill Development Society’ and drawn on any scheduled commercial bank. It must accompany a Covering Letter within the Proposal Document. Proposals that are not accompanied by the Proposal Processing Fee shall be rejected by GSDM.
A separate processing fee will be applicable if the applicant submits another proposal in the future.”
To read detailed EOI, click the below button: